The Ultimate Fairy Party
You too will believe in the Lavender Lily Fairy Magic as Lavender Lily encourages children to discover their inner fairy and connection with nature
The enchantment begins the moment Lavender Lily flutters in to your party with accompanying fairy music and mischief.
For quiet kidos Lavender Lily coyly greets the children to ensure they are not overwhelmed. Once they are ready to fly, the giggly and laughter begins.
The birthday fairy is honoured as the star of the party,
with whimsical words and playful crowning ceremony.
In the rainbow parachute the fairy star is whirled and flung into the sky (well almost) But for most under 6's they love the experience.
Each child is then given a fairy name as part of the naming ceremony, as well as a sprinkling of lavender and positives words, allowing them to feel included,
“Here’s a name I give to you so you might be a fairy too.”
This is a way of welcoming each child into the adventure
On with the fairy-ness
fairy flying
fairy storytelling
fairy dancing
fairy whispers
fairy games
fairy wands and swords
fairy face painting
fairy craft
fairy bubbles

Lavender Lily has been fairying for many magical moons.
This maybe not be the newest children birthday party idea or theme but it's still one of the best, especially for the under 6's
I loved seeing the wonder in
my daughter's eyes
when she watched, laughed
and danced along with
Lavender Lily.
Thank you Lavender Lily
Zoey had the most
wonderful experience
with you. She was fascinated
by your departure into the
secret fairy entrance way she
is still searching for it'
Melissa G - Blackheath
You too will believe in the Lavender Lily Fairy Magic
Book with Package Options
This party best suits smaller parties of less then 6 and up to 16 guests. The pacing is better when its more relaxed especially for the entrance and exists.. The fairy entrance and exist is part of the party fun and adventure
One Hour Fairy Party
Lavender Lily makes an enchanted entrance
Crowning of the b'day child as star of the party
Fairy naming ceremony
with sprinkled lavender
Rainbow Parachute
Fairy Storytelling
Fairy songs
Fairy games
Fairy dancing
Fairy Music
Treasure hunt with key lucky dip - filled with gifts
Fairy Balloon - wands and swords
One and a half Hour
Ultimate Fairy Party
LL arrives prior to guests
Face Painting
Crowning of the b'day child star of the party
Fairy naming ceremony with sprinkled lavender
Magic Tricks
Rainbow Parachute
Fairy Storytelling
Fairy songs
Fairy games
Fairy dancing
Fairy Music
Party Music
Xas the Dragon
Timber Treasure box & key lucky dip filled with gifts
Happy Birthday song and cake cutting
LL Cd or USB gift for
b'day child
Two Hour
Ultimate Fairy Party
LL arrives prior to guests
Face Painting
Hoop play
Crowning of the b'day child
as the star of the party with
magic tricks
Rainbow Parachute fun and games
Fairy Storytelling
Fairy songs
Fairy games
Fairy dancing
Fairy Music
Party Music
Party Music
Xas the Dragon
Timber Treasure box & key lucky dip filled with gifts
Happy Birthday song and cake cutting and group photos
Balloon Bending
LL Cd or USB gift for
b'day child