Themed Storytelling Adventure Party

Enchanting, Theatrical, hilarious
For new children birthday party ideas and themes in 2018 look no further. Let the stories run as wild as the kids in this adventure party.
Perfect for your child's birthday party - christening and wedding entertainment - Mother's Groups or afternoon tea with the grand children.
Lavender Lily believes that every child is unique, therefore creating a personalised birthday party experience for your child is what she does best.
Lavender Lily is known for her spontaneity and ability to engage with children of all ages. This is part of her charm and party magic!
All birthday party elements are totally interactive, designed especially for your child and guests to infuse their magic into the adventure.
Whether your child is quiet or outgoing or somewhere in between, Lavender Lily responds and adapts the party experience to suit their personality, along with the age and mix of the guests.
Let's get the party started
The Storytelling Adventure Party begins with the crowning of your birthday child in a heart-warming honouring complete with cheers and hoorays.
The crowning ceremony also knowledges your child as the star of the party and is :
spun in the middle of the rainbow parachute
front and centre for the hula hoop and magic trick mayham
and gifted with a wearable balloon outfit and/or balloon bouquet created in the ceremony by Lavender Lily.
A story then sets the tone and theme for the party.
With the adventurer unfolding with songs, dance, hula hooping,
locked timber treasure box hunt, key lucky dip and non stop play.
Check the different options below to chose a package that best suits you.

Book with Package Options
These party outlines are a guide. Please discuss with Lavender Lily any specific elements you require and what best suits your child. Lavender Lily is known for her spontaneity and ability to engage with children making each party unique.

One Hour
Storytelling Adventure
Crowning of the b'day child as star of the party
Hula hoop and/or magic tricks
Rainbow Parachute
Treasure hunt with key lucky dip - filled with gifts
1 themed Storytelling
with songs and movement
Party Music
One and a half hour
Storytelling Adventure
LL arrives prior to guests
Face Painting
Hula Hoop Play
Crowning of the b'day child star of the party
Hula Hoop and Magic Tricks
Rainbow Parachute
1 themed Storytelling plus shorter tale with songs and movement
Party Music
Xas the Dragon
Timber Treasure box & key lucky dip filled with gifts
Happy Birthday song and cake cutting
LL Cd or USB gift for
b'day child
Two Hour
Storytelling Adventure
LL arrives prior to guests
Face Painting
Hula Hoop play
Crowning of the b'day child
as the star of the party
Hula Hoop and magic trick
Rainbow Parachute fun and games
1 main themed Storytelling plus another tale with songs and movement
Party Music
Xas the Dragon
Timber Treasure box & key lucky dip filled with gifts
Happy Birthday song and cake cutting and group photos
Balloon Bending
LL Cd or USB gift for
b'day child