Lavender Lily Face Painting for:
Private Parties, Corporate Events, Festivals, Fetes, Schools and Markets

A love of colour and creating whimsical characters, drew
Lavender Lily to face painting.
Providing each child with the opportunity for greater creative self expression is Lavender Lily's intention. It's not just about how
a child looks on the outside, its also how they feel on the inside. That's why chatting with children in her rainbow tent about what makes
their heart sing, sharing tales and chatting about all things nature faeries, is an essential element of the Lavender Lily face painting experience.
Seeing the delight in a child's eyes, when they see themselves
in the mirror all painted, is a splendid part of face painting too.
The added fun of hula hooping, creates an inclusive atmosphere
that fills a market and an event with laughter and movement.

Lavender Lily's rainbow tent, and full
colour backdrop, naturally invites children into the space.
This experience may includes face painting,
a craft activity and hula hooping.
Lavender Lily shares stories, songs
and spontaneous poems so the children feel amazing on the inside
and look spectacular on the out.
Image snapped by Lee Doyle at Lithgow Halloween 2018. Thanks to Lee for sharing.
Quick Stix Faces or faces with lots of detail

The energy
Lavender Lily
brings into the environment
is truly engaging and left hundreds of children feeling her magic.
Natasha Murray
Make a booking today
Ring Lavender Lily on 0417 248869